Nov 17, 2012

Medieval House Finished!

The medieval house I was working on is finally done! It took me way to long to finish it. I'm still not entirely satisfied with it. It still lacks that little something special. But I've already spend way too much time on it, so for now I'll leave it as it is.

This house will eventually be used in a 3D game environment. So the next step is modelling more objects around the house and build up the environment from there.

Nov 16, 2012


It's 4:00AM and I'm still busy with the medieval house. It's taking longer than I hoped it would. Luckily I'm almost done. Here is a quick sneak-preview screen capture:

I'll do the rest later. I really need some sleep now.

Nov 14, 2012

Medieval House

The first project I started recently was a project to create a medieval-fantasy-inspired video-game environment. I started this project with Eric Polman. Eric is programming his own model-importer and level-editor, which I will be using to build the medieval village.

After a day of hard work I realize we still have a long way to go. However, the start is here, as I finally managed to finish the model for the first house. The house is not completely finished, but it's a start.

I hoped to be done with this house by now, but Maya screwed me over by crashing, which resulted in me loosing roughly 3 hours of hard work. Serves me right for not saving my files regularly. I really need to make it a habit to spam CTRL+S more often.

This first medieval house is based on a piece of artwork that I found on the internet.

All credits for the original 2D artwork goes to Francois "Built4ever" Beauregard on DeviantART (

Now it's time for a short break. After that I'll continue with this medieval house. Tomorrow I'll post the final, fully-textured version of it. Then on to the next structure...